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Re: Super Duper Huge Awesome Sale!!
Sun, 10 Jun 2001 06:15:12 GMT
579 times
So it wasn't just me who got a flyer saying basically "We have Lego."  I
checked mine twice but it didn't have anything about a sale.  I was even a
Zellers today but there weren't any signs up for the BOGO, I thought it was
a localized thing maybe.  Oh well.  Poor advertising on their part.


In, Kyle D. Jackson writes:
In, Chris Gray writes:
"Kyle D. Jackson" <> writes:

But hurry!  This spectacular sale ends Friday, June 15!  :]

Lets see, if I buy 100, I can save $3.00! Wow!

Yes, and that's not all!  Act NOW and place your order for
100 sets or more, and we will include free, yes that's absolutely
FREE, a giant cardboard shipping carton in which to store
all of your savings!!  It doesn't get any better than this!  So
hurry to place your order before they're all gone!  Operators
are standing by!

Well, given the fiasco I had today in the Zellers sale, this
on-line price isn't surprising.  Both stores I went to didn't
get the BOGO 50% off deal punched in.  I had to go back and
get my receipts fixed.  And because Blue Tubs were already at
$24.97 instead of the regular $26.99, they were confused about
which price to take the sale from.  Plus the local flyer didn't
help because there was no sale written in it.  All it said was
"We have LEGO".  Thankfully someone knew and put the signs
up on the shelves.  Then they told me that they take the
cheapest items in your entire purchase to take the 50% from,
instead of doing things in pairs.  So if you have 10 $100 sets
and 10 $4 sets, you will save $20.  ?!?!  Thankfully the cashier
I had agreed to run several orders through for me in pairs.
But I get home an noticed that I still paid full price for both
of the Womens Team soccer sets I bought, except for the 10% early
bird discount (which was extended for the whole day at one store,
as long as you had the coupon by 10:00 am).

Personally I wish the stores would just stick to flat rate sales
instead of these price-setting gymnastics they do.

LUGNETer #203, Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Super Duper Huge Awesome Sale!!
(...) Yeah, it sounds like the flyers were misprinted. I'd like to know if this was only regional (the mis-print that is, not the sale). Did other people get flyers that specifically mentioned the sale? KDJ ___...___ LUGNETer #203, Windsor, Ontario, (...) (24 years ago, 10-Jun-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Super Duper Huge Awesome Sale!!
(...) Yes, and that's not all! Act NOW and place your order for 100 sets or more, and we will include free, yes that's absolutely FREE, a giant cardboard shipping carton in which to store all of your savings!! It doesn't get any better than this! So (...) (24 years ago, 9-Jun-01, to

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