Re: Super Duper Huge Awesome Sale!!
Sun, 10 Jun 2001 22:52:03 GMT
627 times
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In, Kyle D. Jackson writes:
> Yeah, it sounds like the flyers were misprinted. I'd like to know
> if this was only regional (the mis-print that is, not the sale).
> Did other people get flyers that specifically mentioned the sale?
Here in BC I received a flyer that advertised the "buy one get the other at
50% off" sale. But when I was paying for my stuff the clerk asked me "Is
there a sale on this stuff?" so I had to tell her about it.
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Super Duper Huge Awesome Sale!!
| (...) Well, they had signs up in the Lego area on Saturday, and it was in the flyer. Come to think of it, both cashiers were a little confused, but I chalked it up to the 8AM daze everyone had. However, the senior cashier gave Iain Hendry and I a (...) (24 years ago, 11-Jun-01, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Super Duper Huge Awesome Sale!!
| (...) Yeah, it sounds like the flyers were misprinted. I'd like to know if this was only regional (the mis-print that is, not the sale). Did other people get flyers that specifically mentioned the sale? KDJ ___...___ LUGNETer #203, Windsor, Ontario, (...) (24 years ago, 10-Jun-01, to
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