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Re: Super Duper Huge Awesome Sale!!
Sun, 10 Jun 2001 22:52:03 GMT
627 times
In, Kyle D. Jackson writes:
Yeah, it sounds like the flyers were misprinted.  I'd like to know
if this was only regional (the mis-print that is, not the sale).

Did other people get flyers that specifically mentioned the sale?

Here in BC I received a flyer that advertised the "buy one get the other at
50% off" sale.  But when I was paying for my stuff the clerk asked me "Is
there a sale on this stuff?" so I had to tell her about it.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Super Duper Huge Awesome Sale!!
(...) Well, they had signs up in the Lego area on Saturday, and it was in the flyer. Come to think of it, both cashiers were a little confused, but I chalked it up to the 8AM daze everyone had. However, the senior cashier gave Iain Hendry and I a (...) (24 years ago, 11-Jun-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Super Duper Huge Awesome Sale!!
(...) Yeah, it sounds like the flyers were misprinted. I'd like to know if this was only regional (the mis-print that is, not the sale). Did other people get flyers that specifically mentioned the sale? KDJ ___...___ LUGNETer #203, Windsor, Ontario, (...) (24 years ago, 10-Jun-01, to

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