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Re: Statistics, Statistics, Statistics (was Re: Curator for
Fri, 5 Jul 2002 05:09:22 GMT
749 times
In, Kerry Raymond writes:
Here's some more good stuff:

30.6% of Australian LUGNET members posted to in June

Well, I knew I was doing more than my fair share. C'mon you other 70%
slackers! Do your share of the postings for a change! :-)


Hey! Two years ago I used to post more than anyone!!!
Then I suddenly realised that I was spending too much time posting and not
enough time building... ;-)

And anyways, whenever I finds sumthin' out and goes to announce it here, I
sees that either Mel or Rosco has gone announced it already... just cuz I
didn't run to the computer straight away, and wuz savourin' the old R.L.
instead, don't see why I should called the slacker... ;-)


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Statistics, Statistics, Statistics (was Re: Curator for
(...) Well, I knew I was doing more than my fair share. C'mon you other 70% slackers! Do your share of the postings for a change! :-) Kerry (23 years ago, 5-Jul-02, to

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