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Re: Curator for
Thu, 4 Jul 2002 02:03:39 GMT
696 times
In, Kerry Raymond writes:
Of the 30 Australians who posted (and that is more than I thought),5 made
more than 10 posts, 5 made between 6 and 10 posts.

OK, Mr Accountant, give us the full stats! Inquiring minds want to know!

I'm glad you asked!

38 posters with an average of 4.8 posts each (with a standard deviation of
6.2). Those posters who were above average (in terms of number of posts) were:

24.. Mel Brown
23.. Richie Dulin
19.. Kerry Raymond AND Ross Crawford
12.. Deidre Rushton Brumby
9... Richard Parsons
7... Ben Whytcross
6... James Howse
5... Brad Linsley AND Paul Baulch

It seems that Kerry has some work to do to justify the 'talkative'
description, but I'm not too far away from my 'megalomaniacal' one.


Richie Dulin

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: Curator for
Did you actually bother to hand count these post or did you use some form of script to do it? (...) (23 years ago, 4-Jul-02, to
  Re: Curator for
(...) OK, I'll revise my description to Kerry Raymond, less talkative than Mel Kerry (23 years ago, 4-Jul-02, to
  Statistics, Statistics, Statistics (was Re: Curator for
(...) Minor correction & some new information There were only 37 posters ... average 4.9 posts, standard deviation of 6.3 I'd missed a duplicate... :-( Interestingly, the split was: 15.. Australian LUGNET members 14.. Australian non-LUGNET members (...) (23 years ago, 5-Jul-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Curator for
(...) OK, Mr Accountant, give us the full stats! Inquiring minds want to know! Kerry (23 years ago, 4-Jul-02, to

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