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Re: Curator for
Wed, 3 Jul 2002 06:04:22 GMT
593 times
In, Kerry Raymond writes:
How many of us are there?

Actually a lot more than you might think when you add us all up.

49 LUGNET members (my description is obsessive), and a few others. Not sure
of regular posters though... we'll have to wait for the next noisemakers
survey. Or engage in some tedious post counting - wait, I'm obsessive, I'll
get on to it shortly ;-)

What would I put ... hmm ...

Kerry Raymond, last seen crossing over to the dark side :-)

Well, it *is* easier, quicker and more seductive....
(And it has brown beards and grey 2x4 bricks in abundance!)



Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Curator for
(...) In June, there were 38 posters to 8 of them were foreigners (or at least seemed to me to be). Of the 30 Australians who posted (and that is more than I thought),5 made more than 10 posts, 5 made between 6 and 10 posts. Cheers Richie (23 years ago, 3-Jul-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Curator for
(...) Actually a lot more than you might think when you add us all up. What would I put ... hmm ... Kerry Raymond, last seen crossing over to the dark side :-) (...) I demand a shrubbery! Kerry (23 years ago, 3-Jul-02, to

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