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Re: Australian Ambassadors - nominations/voting
Sun, 4 May 2008 22:55:22 GMT
8541 times
In, Timothy Gould wrote:
Hi all,

I think it's important that we ensure at least some Australian representation in
the LEGO Ambassadors thread so I'm starting this thread for people to nominate
and second/third/whatever Australian people.

If you're from one of the local clubs with members who don't post on Lugnet
could you pass on any nominations or votes on behalf of people (I trust there'll
be no cheating). We get to nominate three people so let's do our best to choose.


G'day guys

I'd like to nominate Tim Gould, he is already a very active member of the
community on many online sites, especially the popular "The Brother's Brick"
LEGO blog, he builds in many themes & is also active in the local Brisbane
community.  I know he's up for the job.

I am also running for the position for the Classic Castle, Flickr & Builders
Lounge communities, but I'd prefer to help represent Queensland or even
Australia though ;)

Cheers all

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Australian Ambassadors - nominations/voting
In, Aaron Andrews wrote: [--snip!--] (...) [--snip!--] Agreed. I second Aaron's nomination for Tim Gould. Tim's online activity spans many themes, and he is a recognised figure not only amongst us Australians, but also amongst other (...) (17 years ago, 4-May-08, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Australian Ambassadors - nominations/voting
Hi all, I think it's important that we ensure at least some Australian representation in the LEGO Ambassadors thread so I'm starting this thread for people to nominate and second/third/whatever Australian people. If you're from one of the local (...) (17 years ago, 4-May-08, to

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