Re: Australian Ambassadors - nominations/voting
Sun, 4 May 2008 22:55:22 GMT
8541 times
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In, Timothy Gould wrote:
> Hi all,
> I think it's important that we ensure at least some Australian representation in
> the LEGO Ambassadors thread so I'm starting this thread for people to nominate
> and second/third/whatever Australian people.
> If you're from one of the local clubs with members who don't post on Lugnet
> could you pass on any nominations or votes on behalf of people (I trust there'll
> be no cheating). We get to nominate three people so let's do our best to choose.
> Tim
G'day guys
I'd like to nominate Tim Gould, he is already a very active member of the
community on many online sites, especially the popular "The Brother's Brick"
LEGO blog, he builds in many themes & is also active in the local Brisbane
community. I know he's up for the job.
I am also running for the position for the Classic Castle, Flickr & Builders
Lounge communities, but I'd prefer to help represent Queensland or even
Australia though ;)
Cheers all
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Australian Ambassadors - nominations/voting
| In, Aaron Andrews wrote: [--snip!--] (...) [--snip!--] Agreed. I second Aaron's nomination for Tim Gould. Tim's online activity spans many themes, and he is a recognised figure not only amongst us Australians, but also amongst other (...) (17 years ago, 4-May-08, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Australian Ambassadors - nominations/voting
| Hi all, I think it's important that we ensure at least some Australian representation in the LEGO Ambassadors thread so I'm starting this thread for people to nominate and second/third/whatever Australian people. If you're from one of the local (...) (17 years ago, 4-May-08, to
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