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Re: Lego prices?
Tue, 13 Jan 2004 16:39:33 GMT
872 times
gary tabener wrote:
Has anybody ever compared Lego prices between US and UK or any other country
for that matter, or am I approaching a touchy subject here.

Have a look at the pricetag on a large tub of LEGO in their Brand Stores.

Cologne, Germany: EUR 15.99, i.e. with the Euro at $1.25 this is a
whopping US$19.98
Solomon Pond Mall, Marlboro MA, USA: US$12.99

Same for allmost all sets.

You can't explain this even with a 16% VAT.

Yours, Christian

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Lego prices?
(...) The valuation of the Euro vs. the USD changes over time, and very few international companies ever vary their local list prices based on these fluctuations. At times in its brief history, the Euro has had parity with the dollar, and indeed was (...) (21 years ago, 14-Jan-04, to lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Lego prices?
Has anybody ever compared Lego prices between US and UK or any other country for that matter, or am I approaching a touchy subject here. eg. Imperial Star Destroyer US $299 UK £250 4028 bucket US $9.99 UK £9.99 Is it just me or are we paying over (...) (21 years ago, 12-Jan-04, to lugnet.general)

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