Re: LEGO Stegosaurus Sculpture
Thu, 7 Sep 2000 14:48:20 GMT
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Henry Lim wrote:
> Well boys and girls, I'm finally done with my large scale, LEGO dinosaur
> sculpture. Come check it out...
Holy Cow! Can anyone say "resume piece?" I knew you could. I hope the
higher-ups at LEGO get a chance to see this and hire you before you have to
-gasp- take it apart.
The smart thing for LEGO to do would be to buy the scupture, install it at
the park, replace your bricks (in ornage, black, and gray), and commission
a Triceretops. Or two.
That would be the SMART thing.
And LEGO, just in case you were wondering, the STUPID thing would be to let
Henry take it apart...
Message has 1 Reply: | | Re: LEGO Stegosaurus Sculpture
| (...) I can't quite recall, but this steg may actually be bigger than the one at LIC Mall of America. (or maybe I am misremembering... they do have dinosaurs there but maybe not a steg...) Biggest or not it's the coolest. I think what I like best is (...) (24 years ago, 7-Sep-00, to lugnet.general)
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