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 Events / BrickFest / 88
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Re: event "champions"...
Tue, 15 May 2001 22:12:39 GMT
735 times
Stephen F Roberts wrote:

...Do we have some designated people to promote and coordinate the more
scheduled like events? I'm thinking someone like Frank Filz with the Pirate game
stuff. Can we create a list of who's helping where and perhaps what other areas
we need help in?

I'm happy to be the Pirate champion.

Frank Filz

Work: (business only please)

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: event "champions"...
Any desire for me to bring the "Rail Racers" set up with me? Any train heads want to put their trains to the test? jt -- James J. Trobaugh North Georgia LEGO Train Club (URL) Filz <> wrote in message (...) (24 years ago, 16-May-01, to
  Re: event "champions"...
(...) ...:-) You were the model for the idea I had about these "champions"... people who will make sure it happens (since you know everyone else in charge will be too distracted to remember anything :-) ...And come to think about it, especially in (...) (24 years ago, 18-May-01, to
  Re: event "champions"...
(...) ...Also, while I think about it. I know you are planning to bring all the ships and materials to the fest, but will you have "spare" ships for a historical pirate theme display? And/or what models do you need to fill it in? ...I know we are (...) (24 years ago, 18-May-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  event "champions"...
...Do we have some designated people to promote and coordinate the more scheduled like events? I'm thinking someone like Frank Filz with the Pirate game stuff. Can we create a list of who's helping where and perhaps what other areas we need help in? (...) (24 years ago, 15-May-01, to

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