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 Dear LEGO / 1258
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Re: LEGO Direct Questions
Tue, 4 Jan 2000 16:15:26 GMT
1575 times
Selçuk wrote in message ...

You are half right half wrong. Molds are very very expensive to produce,
especially when they should satisfy 0.00X type of dimensional accuracy, but
if you are producing tens of thousands of a product (brick) even fractions
of savings of material would be sum up a very important amount at the end.


Well, yes, but I am talking price (actually price differential between) of a
single brick and plate. If taking into account the cost of ABS in large
quantities, 16.8 gr.. difference in weight vs. total ABS used in the mold
(including waste "trees"), and labor and/or machinery to trim them from the
trees, packaging and shelving costs, it really wouldn't be much of a cost
difference (maybe $0.001 per brick/plate difference?).

I have designed many molds in my career, and can say that a difference of
16.8 gr.  of ABS when purchased in quantity is meaningless. If ABS costs
$0.50 per pound (very high assumption), it is $0.50/(700 gr.. per pound), is
$0.0001 per grain. Multiply by the 16.8 gr. . difference, and you get
$0.0012 total cost for the difference in ABS between a plate and brick, at
$0.50 per pound of ABS. For a real cost, we just need the real cost of Lego

I do agree that price savings of this size are real when producing 100,000
bricks or plates. I was just trying to point out that the cost "per brick"
or "per plate" was very, very close.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: LEGO Direct Questions
(...) Are the trees actually waste? I'd expect them to be thrown into the raw materials bin again.. Jasper (25 years ago, 5-Jan-00, to lugnet.dear-lego)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LEGO Direct Questions
R2 <> wrote in message (...) vs. (...) You are half right half wrong. Molds are very very expensive to produce, especially when they should satisfy 0.00X type of dimensional accuracy, but if you are (...) (25 years ago, 4-Jan-00, to lugnet.dear-lego)

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