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 CAD / Development / Organizations / LDraw / 2081
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Re: Description of MLCad extensions available now
Tue, 30 Jul 2002 04:34:44 GMT
105 times

i've found some more commands in MLCad which I introduced totaly new, ...
but long time ago.

So there is this ROTATION command, which was used at the early days of MLCad
instead of ROTSTEP. Later I learned that this conflicts with LD-Lite. So I
stopped using it and created ROTSTEP. For backwards compatibility reasons
MLCad still supports both usages. ROTATION with the ldlite parameters and
with MLCad parameters.

A completely different storry, currently missing in the document, is 0
ROTATION CENTER and 0 ROTATION CONFIG. They are used to define the center of
rotation, can have names and may apear multiple times each with a different
name. I'm going to describe this commands in the next days so that I have it
ready on the week-end latest.

At this time I come up with a new license - where I hope everyone can live
with ...


"Steve Bliss" <> wrote in message
In, Don Heyse wrote:
In lugnet.cad.mlcad, Don Heyse writes:
Is the ROTATION command the one that's sorta documented here?

Michael's reply seems to indicate he planned on implementing it,
and that was about 2 years ago, so I imagine it's been done by now.

That, and the fact that MLCAD adds two 0 ROTATION statements to the
header of every model file it edits.

Uh Oh, we need some *unlicensed* documentation on this meta command.
It's already used in some official parts.

Actually, only commented-out versions of the ROTATION meta-statement have
appeared in parts (ie, '0 0 ROTATION').  The submit process rejects files
with meta-statements it recognizes, but does not allow (like '0 • ROTATION').

If I have to get permission
in writing to use all the features of the official parts (or be liable
for unspecified damages) I'm gonna find myself a new hobby.

For parts, a rotation-point meta-statement should include the following:

- A name parameter, so editors can list rotation points by name.
- The center-point of the rotation (an ordered triple)
- An optional vector, to specify a preferred axis of rotation.

This could be done as:

0 ROTATION-CENTRE Hinge  30 4 0  0 0 1

which would be appropriate for
Hinge plate 1 x 2 with 2 fingers.  'Hinge' would be the
name, '30 4 0' is the center point, and '0 0 1' is the axis of rotation.

More examples:

For Plate 1 x 2 with Long Towball might have:

0 ROTATION-CENTRE Towball 0 4 -90
  ... to provide a freely-rotating pivot on the towball

And Hinge plate 1 x 6 with 2 and 3 Fingers on Side might

0 ROTATION-CENTRE Hinge-2  0 4 20  1 0 0
0 ROTATION-CENTRE Hinge-3  0 4 -20 1 0 0


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Description of MLCad extensions available now
(...) That, and the fact that MLCAD adds two 0 ROTATION statements to the header of every model file it edits. (...) Actually, only commented-out versions of the ROTATION meta-statement have appeared in parts (ie, '0 0 ROTATION'). The submit process (...) (23 years ago, 29-Jul-02, to lugnet.cad.mlcad,,

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