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 CAD / Development / 1377
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Re: Is there a Part creating Tutorial?
Thu, 15 Apr 1999 07:26:25 GMT
1140 times
On Thu, 15 Apr 1999 00:38:32 GMT, (Terry K) wrote:

On Wed, 14 Apr 1999 12:48:24 GMT, (Steve Bliss) wrote:
1. I would *recommend* using BMP2DAT (or any similar tool) only to generate
a starting point.  Get an initial DAT with the pattern, and then replace
the pixel-commands with fewer, cleaner triangles and quads.

OK.  I concede that is a valid use.  As long as the part author has the
intention and the skill to "do the right thing" and not just use the output to
slap on a part.

I am wondering if there might be cases where a worthwhile approach would be
to start with a raster DAT (that's the bitmap after 2DAT'ing it), and
replace some or most (but not all) with vector commands.  I think this
approach may work on things like the Explorien logo, with the weird
background pattern.

2. Some patterns are complex enough to condone use of the conversion tools.

Again, OK.  You are right.

Just remember, I said "condone".  Complex patterns aren't going to look
good in LDraw, no matter what we do.  It would be very nice to have a
texture mapping command in LDraw, but let's not start that discussion

I was pretty much expressing my knee-jerk reaction.  Sorry.

No apologies needed, because you were mostly right.  Besides, you're the
person who has to put up with every single part submitted for voting.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Is there a Part creating Tutorial?
(...) OK. I concede that is a valid use. As long as the part author has the intention and the skill to "do the right thing" and not just use the output to slap on a part. (...) Again, OK. You are right. I was pretty much expressing my knee-jerk (...) (26 years ago, 15-Apr-99, to

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