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 CAD / Development / 10303
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Re: Thoughts on File Format for LDraw Animation
Wed, 26 Oct 2005 19:52:46 GMT
2761 times
So a super-set of LDRAW 1.0.0 file format is needed that lets you
define compound parts (separate ldraw file?) and have the whole part
and all sub-components named.  With names, you can modify attributes,
rotation, position, color, part type....

Isn't that more or less an MPD? By *not* reusing sub-models you get
a unique
name for every group, sub-group etc.

Or am I misunderstanding something?

No.  I've said this before and don't understand why others don't
understand this yet.  See my article:

This whole animation issue makes me dizzy.  It is one big circle:


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Thoughts on File Format for LDraw Animation
(...) animations. I don't see how these ideas help us script anything. Can you explain what I'm missing? (...) Yes, and I was talking about trying to get to the second half of what you list.... scripting language.... without talking about GUIs for (...) (19 years ago, 26-Oct-05, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Thoughts on File Format for LDraw Animation
(...) Isn't that more or less an MPD? By *not* reusing sub-models you get a unique name for every group, sub-group etc. Or am I misunderstanding something? (19 years ago, 26-Oct-05, to

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