Re: LDraw Parts Talk at BrickFest (was: Re: Question about posting DAT files here)
Fri, 20 Jul 2001 00:42:32 GMT
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In lugnet.cad, Steve Bliss writes:
> In lugnet.cad, Heather Patey wrote:
> > In lugnet.cad, Erik Olson writes:
> >
> > > Think big: Steve's little talk to Jen on Saturday
> >
> > Don't suppose anyone recorded it for posterity, did they?
> Ooo, good question. *Did* anyone tape it?
> I don't think so, but my face was mostly pointed at the monitor the whole
> time, not looking around.
> I don't know that the 'talk' itself was anything great. I went through the
> process of writing a 3005.dat, discussing primitives, and scale, and using
> L3Lab effectively, and stuff.
> And several people besides Jennifer were there.
OK, I only came in later on and she was asking questions...
I'm looking forward to trying my hand now too.
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