Re: Question about posting DAT files here
Thu, 19 Jul 2001 12:40:45 GMT
789 times
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Actually, I thought he was referring to a "Official Guideline on Making
Shields with Patterns" or something like that. Got me some free time coming
up this weekend, will dig into those 3846P###.dat files and see if I can
come to an understanding of the file structure.
In lugnet.cad, Tim Courtney writes:
> > (I've looked at the few 'pre-printed'
> > pieces in the LDRAW parts library, but as yet can't make heads or tails or
> > coats of arms from the DATs files).
> If you're looking at them, then I don't quite understand your question. Those
> are the 'official shield files' -- they're shields, and they're in the official
> parts update.
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 | | Re: Question about posting DAT files here
| "Mark Chittenden" <> wrote in message (...) We're all just regular guys (and gals) here, as I know Steve would attest as well. (...) not (...) I take it you're referring to Castle shields? They're under (...) (24 years ago, 19-Jul-01, to lugnet.cad)
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