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Re: Step 9 (Was Group Building Experiment)
Thu, 22 Nov 2001 01:49:36 GMT
41 times
Cool addition, Sorry, just found out I'm not going to be able to do eleven,
some one else can do it, I'll pick up on the project tommorow, :-)


In, Jonathan Wilson writes:
Geordan Hankinson wrote:

In, Jonathan Wilson writes:

Jonathan Wilson wrote:

If no-one else has done it, I will take step 10.

I have completed step 10 and am waiting for the details so I can put it
up with all the other steps.

Sent via e-mail,


step 10 is up.
The white slope brick is an ice planet controll pannel, if you are
making it IRL and dont have one (or dont have one of the starwars death
star trench pannels) just use what you have.
step10.dat/step10.gif is the model as it stands now
step10p.dat/step10p.gif is the new additions.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Step 9 (Was Group Building Experiment)
OK. It's 1am I was bored and now I'm finally inspired. I'll take Step 11 : ) -Xanthra47 Geordan Hankinson <> wrote in message (...) eleven, (...) (23 years ago, 22-Nov-01, to,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Step 9 (Was Group Building Experiment)
(...) ok. step 10 is up. The white slope brick is an ice planet controll pannel, if you are making it IRL and dont have one (or dont have one of the starwars death star trench pannels) just use what you have. step10.dat/step10.gif is the model as it (...) (23 years ago, 22-Nov-01, to,

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