Re: Group Building Experiment
Tue, 20 Nov 2001 08:09:15 GMT
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In, Jon Palmer writes:
> I for one have it built and its sitting
> right next to me. I'm sure others are building it in real life as well.
Yup. I have it right here. :D
> As far as what direction it's going: CAD or Real Life, I like the idea of
> both. It would be great to compare all the real life models in the end
> (whenever that will be) to see how they are different-- That would be a cool
> way to wrap it up.
Yeah, I was thinking it'd be fun to compare color schemes and improvisations
as we go along. I plan on building mine as far as we take it, even if I have
to change some things, which I think is part of the fun: Seeing various ways
to the same end. So, don't let a little thing like not having the right size
plate stop you. If you wanna build with us, go ahead and customize!
> I also think Relay Build sounds a little catchier.
I agree, Relay makes more sense.
> > Are there to be any rules about creating multiple future steps? Will there
> > be a cycle of contributors?
> Part of me likes the idea of an organized list of builders but another part
> of me just thinks it should sorta randomly flow from one builder to
> another.. As far as builders contributing multiple steps --- Sounds ok by
> me. I mean I don't think anyone is going to monopolize it or anything.
> Regardless, I think this first run should just get picked up by who ever
> wants to add something. If this works out I say we just do the same later.
Agreed again, I was thinking earlier about possibly using scripts or
something to assign the next builder, or place a "moderator" and blah blah
like that. But forget about that, I like the idea of just letting it go
wherever it goes by random. If you wanna add something just speak up, "Hey
I've got the next step!"
> We'll see. I think its a success so far though!
Me too! And speaking of which, this seems to generates a lot of posts in a
short time, even between just a few of us. So we may actually need a
.Relay!!! If nothing more than to keep our posts from flooding the groups
for people who may care nothing about it. LOL, lets see if the "new car
smell" doesn't wear off first though... :P
Message is in Reply To:
| | Re: Group Building Experiment
| "benjamin white" <> wrote in message (...) build (...) Cool that you're still enjoying it. I for one have it built and its sitting right next to me. I'm sure others are building it in real life as (...) (23 years ago, 20-Nov-01, to,
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