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Re: Step 5 (Was Group Building Experiment)
Tue, 20 Nov 2001 02:18:14 GMT
989 times
"Steve Runnels" <> wrote in message
In, Jon Palmer writes:
Also note the 4 x 10 plates.

Cool, even better!

Now, do we have any more takers? Or shall we start the cycle again?

Well Geordan has step 6 and I might do step 7.  So if you want to add
another step go right ahead but I like the idea of many people working on
this so if theres anyone else who wants to join please do!

I created a "public" gallery, where we can put everything to keep it nice
and clean.  We could even have several projects going at once. ;)

Great! Perhaps we should finish the prototype before tackling others.  :-)

I'll email the user/pass to you Jon if you wanna go ahead and start it up,
or I'll collect everything and put it together later.

Cool.  I'll grab the pass and name.  I'll go ahead and add all the steps so
far myself.
I think another good idea might be to name all the image steps, step1,step2
etc...  That way they all line up in the folder.


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Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Step 5 (Was Group Building Experiment)
(...) I was thinking something like: 01.jpg, 01p.jpg, 02.jpg, 02p.jpg, etc... That way the single digits line up before the double digits. :P And the one with the 'p' is the parts pic. Something like that anyway. ---SteveR (23 years ago, 20-Nov-01, to,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Step 5 (Was Group Building Experiment)
(...) Cool, even better! Now, do we have any more takers? Or shall we start the cycle again? I created a "public" gallery, where we can put everything to keep it nice and clean. We could even have several projects going at once. ;) I'll email the (...) (23 years ago, 20-Nov-01, to,

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