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Re: Monorail Max Mileage?
Fri, 10 Mar 2000 00:35:53 GMT
554 times
You should feel HONORED that you even have a monorail!  Some poor folks like
me missed out on the whole monorail era.

Hmm - I probably already complained about this to you.

I've noticed that train engines definitely slow down over time.  I bet the
monorail ones do the same.

Sanjay D'Souza <> wrote in message
Does anyone know what the maximum speed the Airport monorail travels at
(using a reasonably fresh battery).  I'd appreciate it if the speed can be
measured as studs per second  (sps).   I'd be interested to know if there • is
any difference between the speed of the monorail with no passengers (ie • only
the driver) and the speed when the monorail is full.

I'm only interested in speed along a  flat surface.

- A straight track is 32 studs in length
- A curved track is 46 studs in length
- A short straight is 8 studs in length



Millennium City @

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Monorail Max Mileage?
(...) Monorail motors, however, use battery. My monorail motors have been running strong since 1993 and 1996. As the battery is used up more, than power weakens, but when you put in a new battery, its back to full speed. No idea on the speed though. (24 years ago, 10-Mar-00, to
  Re: Monorail Max Mileage?
Brad Hamilton wrote in message ... (...) like (...) You probably can't see but I'm missing an arm and a leg. Reason? That's what it cost me to purchase the complete range of Monorail sets over the last couple of years. I missed out when the sets (...) (24 years ago, 10-Mar-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Monorail Max Mileage?
Does anyone know what the maximum speed the Airport monorail travels at (using a reasonably fresh battery). I'd appreciate it if the speed can be measured as studs per second (sps). I'd be interested to know if there is any difference between the (...) (24 years ago, 9-Mar-00, to

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