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Re: Monorail Max Mileage?
Fri, 10 Mar 2000 01:55:38 GMT
655 times
In, Todd Lehman writes:
[...] So the monorail engine actually travels faster along curved track in
one direction than the other.  :-)

Urrp, I misspoke.  Not quite -- not the way the monorail engine reverses
direction.  It depends which way you place the engine onto the track -- the
gold teeth on the motor on one side or the other of the rail.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Monorail Max Mileage?
(...) Well, the curved monorail tracks aren't actually perfect circle segments, because the stanchion holes in the middle don't fit into an irrational point on the lattice, but they're not so far deformed from a perfect circle as to give a value of (...) (24 years ago, 10-Mar-00, to

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