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Re: Monorail Max Mileage?
Fri, 10 Mar 2000 04:47:35 GMT
496 times
On Fri, 10 Mar 2000 01:20:03 GMT, "Sanjay D'Souza" <>

I only thought about adding the 6399 to Millennium City when somebody
mentioned to me that they were looking for a plate from that set.  As I
recall, I had no idea what set the person was talking about when they said
they wanted the grey plate from #6399.  What's 6399 I said to myself as I
checked out the Pause database.  Low and behold, as soon as I saw it, I had
to get my hands on one.

It's my favourite set by a long stretch.


I...yes, I'm going to tell a story, I used to be into monorails ever
since I was a little kid.  I got to ride on the one in Seatle when I
was eight.  I thought it was awesome, so when the Futuron monorail
came out, I HAD to have it.  It's still my favourite Space set.  Then,
when the Airport monorail came it, I had to get it too.
Then...then...*starts to choke up* then the Unitron monorail came
out....AND I DIDN'T GET IT!!  And, so, to this day, because TLG had to
release a monorail as I was entering my darkages, I was unable to be
monorail complete. *sigh*

Anyone willing to donate a Unitron monorail?

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Monorail Max Mileage?
Brad Hamilton wrote in message ... (...) like (...) You probably can't see but I'm missing an arm and a leg. Reason? That's what it cost me to purchase the complete range of Monorail sets over the last couple of years. I missed out when the sets (...) (24 years ago, 10-Mar-00, to

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