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Re: Scissor Lift in LEGO?
Sat, 4 Mar 2006 02:44:36 GMT
6766 times
"Geoffrey Hyde" <> wrote in message
Some photos of what you've tried so far would help a great deal.

These may  give some ideas. I made a nut out of two 8 tooth gears and used a
string of worm gears as a lead screw, but I cannot find the  picture. The
best configuration would be that of a scissors jack for a car. Hard to do
with Lego.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Scissor Lift in LEGO?
Those are some interesting milling machines there Bob. How do you think they'd look if built in the newer studless beams? Do you think there'd be any insurmountable rigidity problems building with studless beams? I noticed you had one long worm gear (...) (18 years ago, 4-Mar-06, to lugnet.technic)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Scissor Lift in LEGO?
Some photos of what you've tried so far would help a great deal. I was wondering if it would be possible to see how cloesly you're matching up the worm gears to the rack gears, theoretically, it should be possible, but if you're using more than one (...) (18 years ago, 4-Mar-06, to lugnet.technic)

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