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Lattice windows revisited and modified (wasRe: lattice windows)
lugnet.castle, lugnet.general
Fri, 15 Oct 2004 17:32:47 GMT
1037 times
Hello Anthony,

you pointed to the studs that still could be seen at the back.
It was a little backdraw in the whole concept
for which I couldn't find a solution.

But a good night rest can change a lot :)

In this picture I've tried to solve the 'stud-problem',
making the complete section as slick as it can be:

The dark gray 1 x 10 brick is now replaced by
one layer of 1x10 brown tiles.
Both at the top as on the lower side of the 8x8 lattice frame
I've put brackets that are finished with a brown 1x8 tile.

In this way you can just put the window
in the wall. It's easy and sturdy enough
(won't fall out, unless you push).

So, thanks to you Anthony who pushed my creativity a little bit further ;-)

And by the way,
in my earlier texts I didn't mention that the wall idea of using the
decorated wall brick (2454pb01) in front of the 1x6x5 wall piece,
came to mind when I didn't know what to do with all the 1x6x5 pieces
I had coming from the Slytherin set (3754pb02).
Now the 1x2x5 completely covers the Slytherin motive.

See this picture:

What remains is: now I've got to find a way of using all my 3754pb03 bricks,
but how do you fill an open mouth of a snake :)

Best regards

Daan Bargerbos

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: lattice windows
These are so very very very cool! I can't wait till I have a MOC I can use these ideas on. I. I like this window alot. I've seen the SNOT fences used that way before, but I've never seen a fence slipped inside an arch like that. It REALLY makes the (...) (20 years ago, 14-Oct-04, to

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