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Re: lattice windows

Fri, 15 Oct 2004 08:12:28 GMT
964 times
In, Anthony Sava wrote:
These are so very very very cool!  I can't wait till I have a MOC I can use
these ideas on.

I.  I like this window alot.  I've seen the SNOT fences used that way before,
but I've never seen a fence slipped inside an arch like that.  It REALLY makes
the window for me.  I will most definately be using this idea in the future.

Hello Anthony Sava,

thanks for your compliments!
I think i've seen this solution before on some pirate ship moc,
and kept it in mind, well, till now I suppose.

II.  I like this window too.  Unfortunately, I don't own any of the wing pieces,
so building it would be a little tough for me ;)

III.  This is my favorite.  Like #II, I love how you were able to do both the
front and the back side of the design in a very appealing way.  The only
drawback I see are the studs under the window on the inside.

You are right on this. I thought of fixing it with replacing the brick
with two plates and one tile, but I haven't checked how it looks.
I'll try today and make a picture of it.

I realize that there's currently no room for a tile in there with the way you
have it attached, but would it be possible to slip something within the front
wall behind a buttress to attach the grate where a tile could be placed under
it?  (Did that make any sense?)  Or is there simply no room for tiles and the

I think I've got the picture (and hope to make one ;-).

Great work!  I'll be stealing... borrowing the two designs in the future.  My
next castle will be very slick.
Thou shalt borrow! And know that the one of whom you will borrow,
will be very proud onthis action.


best regards

Daan Bargerbos

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: lattice windows
These are so very very very cool! I can't wait till I have a MOC I can use these ideas on. I. I like this window alot. I've seen the SNOT fences used that way before, but I've never seen a fence slipped inside an arch like that. It REALLY makes the (...) (20 years ago, 14-Oct-04, to

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