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Re: Crimson Skies MOC: Berserker
Thu, 18 Mar 2004 03:22:45 GMT
1564 times
In, Daniel Jassim wrote:
   For example, the bi-wing in the front creates a tremendous blind spot for both crewmen (I assume one is a pilot and the other is a navigator or bombardier?). Perhaps the top wing is for extra lift because of the huge gat in front? If so, it may be pointless since the top wing limits crucial visibility in air-to-air combat. I believe that’s one reason why bi-plane fighters were replaced by mono-planes in WWII.

I remember reading once that the tri-wing+ concept was scrapped when it was realized that it didn’t really provide any more lift potential than a bi-wing, but I suspect the switch from WWI bi-wings to WWII mono-wings had more to do with advances in wing-construction. The bi-wing wings were just frames with cloth strapped over the top, and no solid undersides. Mono-wing wings were fully-skinned with metal plating over a highly sculpted inner frame (and the advent of the jet engine made wing shape so much less important than it was in prop-driven planes that jet planes can fly upside-down for extended periods), and the advanced wing design simply rendered the bi-wing concept just as pointless as the tri-wing.

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  Re: Crimson Skies MOC: Berserker
Hey Jon, I'm not sure if you meant to be funny or serious but I think the Berserker is absolutely hilarious! It borders on looking like one of those crackpot flying contraptions from old movie reels of the early days of aviation. This airplane is (...) (20 years ago, 17-Mar-04, to,, FTX)

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