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Re: Crimson Skies MOC: Berserker
Thu, 18 Mar 2004 00:28:47 GMT
1440 times
Gotta agree with Dan, he hit the nail right on the head with that post.

Despite employing SNOT techniques beautifully, this airplane seems to scrunched up. Maybe if you lengthened it a bit it would look better. I can see what you were trying to achieve, but I think you went a bit overboard.

The front multi-barrelled machine gun doesn’t add much to the plane either. Not because a gatling gun on a plane isn’t cool, heck that’s what most modern military jets use (20mm to be exact) but because it looks so flimsy. I think you should have stuck with a four barrel design instead.

Still a nicely built MOC. The colours are good too.

Mladen Pejic

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Crimson Skies MOC: Berserker
Hey Jon, I'm not sure if you meant to be funny or serious but I think the Berserker is absolutely hilarious! It borders on looking like one of those crackpot flying contraptions from old movie reels of the early days of aviation. This airplane is (...) (20 years ago, 17-Mar-04, to,, FTX)

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