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Rifer Expedition (was re: Boilers)
Mon, 7 Feb 2000 00:30:47 GMT
3962 times
Tony Priestman wrote
Oh, and because I'm trying and failing dismally to put a teeny tiny boiler
into my period sidewheel riverboat (on the ten wide adventurers hull), and • I
can use all the inspiration I can get :-)

Is this the Amazon Adventure thingy?

I don't think we've got it in the UK. Are these the single brick thick
bow sections?

Mmmm, think six wide bow bits used to make 'cutters', and then think ten
wide.  There's also a top/bottom plate with the same profile (a la six wide)
and there is also a top plate complete with gunwales.

In the River Expedition, you get two hull pieces, a standard plate, and a
tricky top plate - just enough to make a flat paddle steamer hull - one hull
piece fore and aft, standard plate at the stern, top plate at the bow.  It
means you don't get plates underneath, but I have never liked that look

Still baldly going...
Check out Port Block at
Note the change in URL - Port Block is moving (to new and larger
Do adjust your set.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Boilers
On Sun, 6 Feb 2000, Richard Parsons (<>) wrote at 23:08:58 (...) Is this the Amazon Adventure thingy? I don't think we've got it in the UK. Are these the single brick thick bow sections? (24 years ago, 6-Feb-00, to lugnet.pirates)

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