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Re: BYFMTWW: Bring Your Favorite Minifig To Work Week
Fri, 15 Dec 2000 08:09:53 GMT
2078 times
In lugnet.people, Todd Lehman writes:
Almost forgot! -- BYFMTWD is right around the corner!!!

Howdy Folks.

Sorry to bring up some critisism here but i have to say that i think Todd
doesnt handle this correct.

How could it happen that a celebration of _that_ importance could pass by
without me recognizing it?

Every day in office i took at least one look at lugnet and didnt get it that
BYFMTWW is approaching. Now i have missed it! (Think this in capital letters

What shall i do now???

Really Todd. To let this happen shows, that you are not enough concerned
about those New-AFOLs like me. You should have reminded and explained to all
of us the BYFMTWW on a much more prominent place on lugnet.

Now i have missed it and have to wait until next year (huhuhu).

Harald (now needs to explain why he sits crying in his office)

PS.: Ok folks, just a joke. Dont flame me again ;-)

Message is in Reply To:
  BYFMTWW: Bring Your Favorite Minifig To Work Week
Almost forgot! -- BYFMTWD is right around the corner!!! (...) [The above is from 1 year ago. :-] Timothy, that sounds great to me! What does everyone else think? If you bring your favorite minifig to work this week (Monday the 11th through Friday (...) (23 years ago, 11-Dec-00, to lugnet.people,, lugnet.announce) !! 

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