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 Organizations / United States / NELUG / 1014
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November 18th Brikwars, Medieval Style
Mon, 6 Nov 2000 14:50:24 GMT
674 times
Hear Ye, Hear Ye

Any and all are invited to participate in the first NELUG medieval
Brikwars event, to be held at my place on Saturday, November 18th.  The
start time is open-ended - I will be awake and available to help set up
at the crass-ack of dawn, but would probably anticipate us not starting
the actual game play before 10:00 a.m.

The theme, as might have been communicated excessively already, is a
quasi-historical medieval battle.  As Eric J mentioned, think Tolkien
and you'll be on the right course.  Swords, bows, horses, dragons,
wizards, skeletons, castles, catapults, peasants, ogres, orcs, frog-men
in the lakes (Jar Jar?), and the like are all condoned and welcomed!
Gunpowder, internal combustion engines, and matter teletransporters are
discouraged.  We'll be going by Brikwars 2000 rules, which aren't all
*that* different from the '98 rules, but have a lot more information and
refinement to them.

If anybody has any castles or forts, they are more than welcome to bring
them - I, for one, will not have anything to defend, and will therefore
be on the prowl.  Presumably there will also be others gullible enough
to throw vulnerable men against unyielding walls in great displays of
chaos and blood spillage.  Specific objectives to the battle will become
available as more information (re: number of players, types and numbers
of fortifications, etc.) becomes available.

R.S.V.P.'s are not necessary, but if you think you *might* be coming, it
would be great to hear from you.  If you have any questions or require
any clarifications, please feel free to ask.  And finally, directions
will be forthcoming.


Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: November 18th Brikwars, Medieval Style
(...) Right. TL2 or lower, and this is as good a time as any to say that we kind revised the point totals down to about 225 per person. You don't have to have 225 points, but try not to exceed that amount by too much (and try to have your army (...) (23 years ago, 6-Nov-00, to, lugnet.gaming)
  Re: November 18th Brikwars, Medieval Style
"Shaun Sullivan" <> wrote in message (...) ...anyone on their way up feel like stopping by Wenham to pick me up? :-) I'd really appreciate the ride, and it looks feasible because the (...) (23 years ago, 6-Nov-00, to
  Re: November 18th Brikwars, Medieval Style
(...) Snip. Hello Shawn and all, I would like to participate, even though I'm not a proficient BrikWars general. I have a classic LEGO yellow castle looking for some action and a few good plastic men willing to defend it, but I'm not certain about (...) (23 years ago, 7-Nov-00, to

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