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Re: LEGO licenses Indiana Jones
Wed, 20 Jun 2007 16:35:46 GMT
12139 times
This could also be LEGO’s way to slyly “ease” into a military theme. I wouldn’t be surprized if they avoid using swastikas and the like, which is just as well perhaps. But I could see this generating all kinds of interestng minifigs and maybe also new weapons.

Cool to see an indication that the sets may be from the first three movies as well as the upcoming one. The German flying wing from Raiders... is just aching to be turned into a set...

Also, the fanbase for the originalmovies is an older crowd, and I’m hoping that will translate into less juniorized minifig-scale sets. Certainly the SW franchise set an impressive precedent.

This is good news indeed!


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: LEGO licenses Indiana Jones
(...) I believe they wouldn't be able to use swastikas and still legally sell in Germany. (17 years ago, 21-Jun-07, to lugnet.mediawatch,

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  Re: LEGO licenses Indiana Jones
Maybe *now* we'll get a minifig fedora (fingers crossed)! (17 years ago, 19-Jun-07, to lugnet.mediawatch, FTX)

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