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Re: LEGO licenses Indiana Jones
lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.adventurers
Tue, 19 Jun 2007 18:39:10 GMT
18442 times
In lugnet.mediawatch, Elroy Davis wrote:

Hopefully they’ll create a decent fedora.

There is an image on showing Indy. I don’t know if it is final, but it looks cool.

I am not into themes or lego product other than the elements for me to create what I want, but I am looking forward to seeing what these sets look like.


Message has 1 Reply:
  The Ark of the Covenant (was: LEGO licenses Indiana Jones)
(...) Strangely enough, I started planning the project below not long before the announcement for the official sets came and soon got frustrated over not having the right hat :/ However, the new one seems just perfect! So, here is my small (...) (17 years ago, 3-Jul-07, to lugnet.adventurers,, lugnet.announce.moc, FTX) ! 

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LEGO licenses Indiana Jones
(...) I guess that was what I was trying to say. Instead of looking at it as one theme dying and another being created, I'm looking at it as a continuation, just with different characters. Especially since the last Adventurers set was released four (...) (17 years ago, 19-Jun-07, to lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.adventurers, FTX)

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