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RE: Message boards on
Fri, 15 Nov 2002 09:26:02 GMT
1825 times

I think that pictures of (at least) sets would be essencial.
So, would it be possible to include pics in the msg instead of explicit URLs

I don't know how your Tech/Web designer would implement this, but it could
have some extra fields (Pic.1, Pic.2, etc... up to 4 ? 6 ? ) to fill with
Pic URLs and then the user would simply say in the text part "[...] as you
can see on Pic.1 [...] another way is what you can see on Pic.2 [...]"

Another way would be to translate pic URLs embedded on text to proper pics,
but that would make the text a bit weird to read.

If the pictures can point to oficial LEGO URLs/Pics, all the better.

Just a thought...

mc. :)

PS: I'm not a Message Board user yet.

Well, the issue is that providing the URL (linked or not)
opens a potential
door to inappropriate content. As Steve put in an earlier
post, the goal is
to have a Message Board that anyone feels safe participating
in, or sending
their kids to participate in.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Message boards on
(...) Well, the issue is that providing the URL (linked or not) opens a potential door to inappropriate content. As Steve put in an earlier post, the goal is to have a Message Board that anyone feels safe participating in, or sending their kids to (...) (21 years ago, 15-Nov-02, to

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