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Re: Message boards on
Thu, 14 Nov 2002 22:52:51 GMT
2711 times
In lugnet.general, Mike Walsh writes:

My first post was approved but "edited" beforehand.  It too had a link to
the LUGNET Set Guide.  The link was remove from what was actually posted on
the board.

I went and reviewed the ToS and it doesn't expressly state that off-site
links are prohibited.

In my case, the point I was trying to make is greatly enhanced by being able
to see a picture of the set I am referring to.  I suspect that many of the
users of the message board will not be as familiar with the older set
numbers as some of us insane people here on LUGNET.  If I say the 725 Basic
Building Set should be the next legend, unless you know what I am talking
about, you have no idea why I think it is such a good set.

Jake - can you clarify your policy on including links on the message board?

You are right, your post was edited to exclude the URL. I am still working
out what the external URL policy is, and will add it to the ToS and post
here as soon as it is resolved.

As far as the editing, what do you all think? Would you prefer to have just
the link (and possibly the part of the message related to that link)
removed, and the post pushed live? Or would you rather see the post rejected
entirely with a reason of "Includes External URL" (you can see rejection
reasons in MyComments)?

Once we get all these questions answered, the turn around time should be
much quicker.

PS: If I recall correctly, one posts was edited to remove your name (i.e.
Personal Information)


Jake McKee
Senior Producer
LEGO Direct

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Message boards on
(...) That will be great. I would stump (as I did in my comment in the board feedback section) for references to the guide section of LUGNET(tm) and Peeron(tm) inventories and other things to be left alone. (...) I'd prefer that I can see pending, (...) (21 years ago, 14-Nov-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Message boards on
"Jake McKee" <> wrote in message [ ... snipped ... ] (...) goes (...) type (...) Comment" (...) of (...) this (...) [ ... snipped ... ] I still have one post that is waiting approval, it has (...) (21 years ago, 14-Nov-02, to lugnet.general,

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