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 General / 39371
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Re: Message boards on
Wed, 13 Nov 2002 22:50:42 GMT
1513 times
The link seems to work for me.  I probably never would have noticed it if
you hadn't pointed it out, so, thanks.
I posted a message in the "Next Legend?" thread this morning, and I think it
took them three or four hours to approve it.


In lugnet.general, Larry Pieniazek writes:
In lugnet.general, Mike Walsh writes:

My ID is pretty obvious too (MikeWalsh).  How often are they approving
messages?  I made a post this morning when I first saw this thread and it
still isn't approved (about five hours ago).

Maybe it's not really quite up and running?

If you go to the front page,, there is (at least for me) a
"message boards" link in the lower left corner which leads to ... this, for me anyway, is a dead link...

Does it work for other people? I have to go in with the link that was posted
at the top of the thread:


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Message boards on
(...) Maybe it's not really quite up and running? If you go to the front page,, there is (at least for me) a "message boards" link in the lower left corner which leads to (URL) ... this, for me anyway, is a dead link... Does it work for (...) (21 years ago, 13-Nov-02, to lugnet.general)

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