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Re: Message boards on
Thu, 14 Nov 2002 23:55:50 GMT
2236 times
In, Jake McKee writes:

As far as the editing, what do you all think? Would you prefer to have just
the link (and possibly the part of the message related to that link)
removed, and the post pushed live? Or would you rather see the post rejected
entirely with a reason of "Includes External URL" (you can see rejection
reasons in MyComments)?

Jake, for URL's would it be possible to leave them in the message,
but just not make them 'clickable'??? Then the user could just
cut and paste them to another browser window, and it's not really
something that linked the user through? Maybe that won't
satisfy the powers that be, but it's an idea.


-------------------------------ooO( )Ooo-------------------------------
Kyle J. McDonald                 (o o)         Systems Support Engineer
Sun Microsystems Inc.            |||||
Enterprise Server Products                        Kyle.McDonald@Sun.COM
1 Network Drive BUR03-4630       \\\//          voice:   (781) 442-2184
Burlington, MA 01803             (o o)            fax:   (781) 442-1542

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Message boards on
(...) Well, the issue is that providing the URL (linked or not) opens a potential door to inappropriate content. As Steve put in an earlier post, the goal is to have a Message Board that anyone feels safe participating in, or sending their kids to (...) (21 years ago, 15-Nov-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Message boards on
(...) That will be great. I would stump (as I did in my comment in the board feedback section) for references to the guide section of LUGNET(tm) and Peeron(tm) inventories and other things to be left alone. (...) I'd prefer that I can see pending, (...) (21 years ago, 14-Nov-02, to

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