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Re: Brickshelf Backup Crawler for Mac
Wed, 18 Jul 2007 20:17:57 GMT
14504 times
In lugnet.general, Jim DeVona wrote:

   For what it’s worth, I just did an informal comparison between this script and mine. I timed the download of my account with each script. Keep in mind that network variations and in particular Brickshelf’s heavy traffic make this a relative comparison, not an absolute measure.

cd ~/bsbackup-test
time ./  ""

This took 24:32 (using the initial version which did not retrieve my LDraw files).

time bscrawl.tcl -url  "" -dir  ~/bscrawl-test -pause 0.01

This took 31:20 to download all my files.

So, it looks like your script is a bit faster as well as a bit smaller.

Of course, I just tried again - the current version that gets all files - and it took 32:05. There’s a little quicktime movie in there that probably accounts for most of the difference as the MPD files are quite small. So the actual performance difference may be negligible.

And now I’ll stop wasting bandwidth.



Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Brickshelf Backup Crawler for Mac
(...) Boy, that is a lot more compact than mine! (...) It looks like it's only considering links to /cgi-bin/gallery.cgi. However, links to non-image files from the Brickshelf folder pages point directly to /gallery/username/foo/bar.dat. (Ah, I see (...) (17 years ago, 18-Jul-07, to lugnet.general,, FTX)

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