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Re: Announcing ILENN: the International LEGO Enthusiast News Network
Fri, 4 Nov 2005 01:59:46 GMT
2244 times
In lugnet.general, Ross Crawford wrote:
   In lugnet.general, Bruce Hietbrink wrote:
   Hey Kelly,

I’ve got a question. How are images handled? If you look at ILENN right now there are two stories from my blog up right now. The one named “In the archives” has an image while the one named “Rosa Parks” does not, even though the code is virtually identify for those two blog entries. Any idea why?

Just guessing, but I think it’s probably because the Rosa Parks one has more text before the pic - ILENN only displays the first NNN chars of each article, I guess if it truncates halfway through an image URL, the image gets dumped.

Good guess, Ross, that’s probably what’s happening. I could adjust the amount of text if not enough is showing, that’s not a problem. Since we’re still tweaking, go ahead and make suggestions!

I’ll see what I can do about expanding that a bit. I also need to take a look at the comparison for existing content, since there’s still duplicates sneaking through.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Announcing ILENN: the International LEGO Enthusiast News Network
(...) Just guessing, but I think it's probably because the Rosa Parks one has more text before the pic - ILENN only displays the first NNN chars of each article, I guess if it truncates halfway through an image URL, the image gets dumped. But I (...) (18 years ago, 4-Nov-05, to lugnet.general, FTX)

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