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 Castle / Castle Organizations / Castle World / 14
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Re: Dragon Lore
Fri, 17 Mar 2000 02:45:14 GMT
1597 times
In, Craig Hamilton writes:
hi y'all ~

do you like the lego dragon figure?  i love it and think it's a beautiful

Wow! Me too. Seeing the dragons in the Dragon Master commercials are what
brought me out of my dark ages.

  i admire the shared modularity of the skull and tail with the
"gator-dile" figure.  the great design also shows in the way the wing, when
raised, follows the curved lines of the haunch and the smaller wings on the
back of the head. when folded down, the wing again follows the curve of the
haunch and the the wing "thumb" fits nice and neatly between the spikes of
the raised arm.  the shape is angular and geometric like lego, but also
organic with an elegant curved art nouveau style.  i think the lego dragon
is just beautiful!

  I never thought that much about the dragons' design. I like the amount of
articulation that allows dragons to be posed for different emotions, but never
thought of the symetry you noticed.

they are great in green and black, but 'd love to see TLC make red or
orange ones!

Yeah, that would be great. White dragons with tranparent blue wings and flame
piece would be make nice cold-drakes. I'd like to see another dragon-centric
theme like DM or FN. (But, with better sets and helms.)

as in our world, the dragons in Castle World will have many different
meanings and identities, as per balladeer!.  i'd love to hear some!

guardians of treasure!  forces of nature!  savage mounts for fierce
warriors!  portals of esoteric knowledge!  beloved pets!  nemesis of
knights!  or just plain wild creatures!

what are your dragons up to?

My dragons are all over my lands, and everywhere you find a dragon you will
find a "gifted" person that has bonded with it. Both the dragons and the people
that bond with them have two kinds of personalities.

"Malern" dragons find homes, nest and begin raising a clan, or if born into a
clan, spend their lives helping and the clan and defending it. People that
bond with malern dragons have the same nurturing and fiercely protecive nature.

"Falern" dragons wander all their lives, never settling, and rarely meeting
others of their kind. People that bond with falern dragons share their
independent, wandering nature.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Dragon Lore
(...) cool! i never saw those! glad they turned you on and brought you into the renaisance, leah! (...) ice dragons! how wonderful that would be! trans blue flames had occured to me before, but i'd never thought of the rest. yes! another (...) (24 years ago, 17-Mar-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Dragon Lore
hi y'all ~ do you like the lego dragon figure? i love it and think it's a beautiful design. i admire the shared modularity of the skull and tail with the "gator-dile" figure. the great design also shows in the way the wing, when raised, follows the (...) (24 years ago, 16-Mar-00, to

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