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 Castle / Castle Organizations / Castle World / 17
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Re: Dragon Lore
Fri, 17 Mar 2000 07:14:12 GMT
1578 times
In, Craig Hamilton writes:
hi y'all ~

do you like the lego dragon figure?  i love it and think it's a beautiful

Heck yeah it's great!! I just got all mine this year (well the first one at
Christmas time).  I'm glad the Fright Knights sets can still be found on the
shelves or I'd be in trouble!  (All the good castle sets came out during my
Dark Ages, isn't that how it always is?... *Sigh*)

what are your dragons up to?

Well, one of them gets up at the crack of dawn flies up to the top of my
castle's tower and sings 'Ave Maria' at the top of his lungs.  He's the alarm
clock for my castle folks for lack of LEGO roosters. =)  All my dragons
belong/stay with my Fright Knights because they are just so amused by the fact
that my FK's try their hardest to be evil, but they just can't quite get it
right. =)


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Dragon Lore
(...) Just open the jaw all the way up and imagine your Dragon singing or shouting "HEY!!!" You'll laugh every time. =) ~Nathan (24 years ago, 17-Mar-00, to
  Re: Dragon Lore
(...) Dawn over the Dark Lord's castle... "Whot's tha' bloody row about?" "It's the dragon. 'E's singing, sir." "Ave Maria it is, sir." "Right. You lot o' slackers go o'er to the forestmen's hang-out and do a bit o' pillaging." "But, Sir Dark, we've (...) (24 years ago, 17-Mar-00, to  

Message is in Reply To:
  Dragon Lore
hi y'all ~ do you like the lego dragon figure? i love it and think it's a beautiful design. i admire the shared modularity of the skull and tail with the "gator-dile" figure. the great design also shows in the way the wing, when raised, follows the (...) (24 years ago, 16-Mar-00, to

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