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 Castle / 6244
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Re: Mongols + Arabian Knights?
Sat, 30 Sep 2000 17:22:03 GMT
2602 times
In lugnet.castle, Ran Talbott writes:
In lugnet.castle, John Robert-Blaze Kanehl writes:

More of an experiment than anything else = )

But a successful one:  a really ingenious use of existing standard parts in
new combinations.  Someone recently suggested TLG do a Roman theme.  If they
do,  they'd better watch out,  because the barbarians are definitely ready for
primetime before there are even gates for them to be outside of.

I would love a Roman theme...heck I figured Lego would have done it in the
80's...all the elements were there for great chariots, aquaducts, and other
Romanesque buildings.

I had hoped that Lego was going to expand the "castle-themes of the world"
mindset with a Chinese variant to include a forbidden city and great wall or
at least Mongol hordes.  I figured incorrectly.  I had fostered hope of
future expansions into India and Egypt...ahhh....still waiting while creating...

And I agree with Chris:  Brickbay sellers with heavy inventories of tiny-peg
tires,  and their descendants unto the seventh generation,  will undoubtedly
bless your name  ;-)


This is an angle I hadn't
Generally, I was being selfish, trying to use up parts that were sitting
around in storage.  If I was truly creative, I could find better uses for at
least a dozen parts and turn my stockpile into big

Well, I hope tire sales on Brickbay are Brisk!

The tire idea was a combination of 2 ideas....

1.  Lately, while I was catching up on Lugnet posts, I noticed a few people
taking useless/despised/overspeicalized parts and designing creations
emplyoing those elements in new ways.  I was experiencing a little
"builder's block", so I decided to get back to the basics.  I was sorting a
big pile of black parts from an old purchase and I decided to take a break
and experiment.

2.  I ran across an old idea book, the Yellow one (I forget the number, but
I belive it's from the early seventies)  In this old idea book, most of the
people are built out of bricks or are large with "bendy-arms".  One of
featured creations was a "wedding-scene" and the friar had an old style tire
on top of his head.  I hadn't noticed it all those years ago...


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Mongols + Arabian Knights?
(...) I have a makshift roman army that I began after seeing Gladiator. The figs have th black "dragon" helm (tho the silver ones wloud work much much better), the chain mail black monarchs torso. and the commanders have the ninja armor. they are (...) (24 years ago, 30-Sep-00, to lugnet.castle,,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Mongols + Arabian Knights?
(...) But a successful one: a really ingenious use of existing standard parts in new combinations. Someone recently suggested TLG do a Roman theme. If they do, they'd better watch out, because the barbarians are definitely ready for primetime before (...) (24 years ago, 29-Sep-00, to lugnet.castle,,

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