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 Castle / 2890
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Re: Where is everybody?!
Sun, 27 Feb 2000 20:16:10 GMT
1485 times
In lugnet.castle, Eric Kingsley writes:

A great hue and cry rose from Kingston: "Save us from Kitty! He eateth our
superfat chickens, leaving us only the scrawny and gristly. He maketh Pianos to
fall from on high, squashingeth our fellow townsfolk. He doth stompeth around
like he owns the place, yea, and even bats around those whose feet are not
firmly planted in the ground. Deliver us from the feline menace!"

And it was done. A great and precariously dangling Tower was built above the
great abyss, a safe platform from which to drop boat weights, undesirable
Timmies, odd yellow rectangles with eyes painted on them, and suchlike onto the
Great Furry menace as it passed below.

And Kitty was not pleased.

With a great leap, Du Chat bounded up into the city proper, scattering
merchants and soldiers and common townsfolk everywhere! Truly, the wrath of
Kitty beforehand was a pittance compared to the wrath of Kitty now! Woe, alas,
what could be done to discourage He Who Grooms Himself Constantly from wreaking
further havoc upon the poor townsfolk?

Enter the trebuchet! And with a great swing and a mighty back and forth
rocking, the impact of the Head of Timmy did freak the Cat out, and causeth him
to find something else to do.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Where is everybody?!
LOL! The wrath of Kat kannot be overkome by magik! Just wondering, though... wasn't the cat Dave's cat? As well as the chickens + pianos too, IIRC... Never mind, great story! :) -Shirush (...) to (...) the (...) wreaking (...) him (...) (24 years ago, 27-Feb-00, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Where is everybody?!
(...) Looks to his left... Looks to his right... Your right! Were did everyone go! :-). Anyway I have been mostly lurking. Most of my free time has been spent building lately. Nothing has been officially posted yet but if you want a sneak peak you (...) (24 years ago, 24-Feb-00, to lugnet.castle)

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