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 Castle / 18202
18201  |  18203
Re: City Gate
Wed, 8 Oct 2003 06:49:48 GMT
1259 times
In lugnet.castle, Benjamin Ellermann wrote:
Hi everyone,

My first new castle moc in a long time is my City Gate.

It features a stone base with two large doors.  The doors can be secured by an
iron chain.  A stair in the stone base leads to the tudor second floor.  The
stair landing has a window to shoot at intruders.

The upper tudor level has a fireplace, two weapons racks, a bookshelf, a table,
chairs, and even a wall mirror.

I also made a haycart with the new huge wheels.  The cardinal's guard
(musketeer) collects a toll from the peasant to enter the city.  A traveling
priest walks out of the city.  Two fully armored watchmen guard the gate.


This is a superb creation. Well planned and executed. (I pretty much forgot
about the stair until seeing it down the picture list.) I think Lenny nailed it
with "everything that Lego castle MOCs should be - elegant clarity combined with
amazing details!"
I too think the haycart is neat. Looks realistic in the sense that it's not a
rugged polygon.
*cough* MOC Series *cough*


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: City Gate
(...) Thanks! (...) Thanks. I really like the cart too! I designed it very quickly but it all worked out. (...) hehe, I wish :) Ben (21 years ago, 8-Oct-03, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  City Gate
Hi everyone, My first new castle moc in a long time is my City Gate. It features a stone base with two large doors. The doors can be secured by an iron chain. A stair in the stone base leads to the tudor second floor. The stair landing has a window (...) (21 years ago, 7-Oct-03, to lugnet.castle)  

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