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 Building / Mecha / 13558
13557  |  13559
Re: Contest rules
Tue, 20 Dec 2005 13:54:55 GMT
10453 times
While I am not particularly impressed by the infighting - I love the
idea of everybody having a go at building form a target mecha. How
about we drop all the rivalry, and all have a go at building one. We
could give people bragging rights on "the most accurate" version and
the "most poseable", and other categories, but I think we would all
learn and it would be cool to see what everybody comes up with based
on the same source. That actually sounds like a lot of fun. I also
think 9 months is a bit too long to wait for results, so how about
leaving it open for 9 months, but people post as they go along.

It would actually be a real insight into comparitive buidling styles.
While we are at it, any chance of a 2006 MPC? Is it an annual contest?
If not, why not? Has anyone got a catchy acronym based title for this?
I think we have Mecha Face Off - so the challenge is the MFO.

Danny Staple MBCS
(Full contact details available through website)

On 20/12/05, Joe meno <> wrote:
In, Soren Roberts wrote:
Okay, for everyone who feels like going for it as-is, here are the rules,

12" to the shoulders. An inch higher, and anything shorter, is fine - don't
hung up on it.

Make whatever adjustments you like within reason - color, detail, stuff like
that. No altering proportions or really basic shapes.

Try to keep it articulate, but how much is your call.


Okay, I'm still in -

even though I don't know how to build mecha, I'm willing to jump in and

and hi Allister and Bryce!

Joe Meno
.space paparazzi!

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Contest rules
(...) Okay, I'm still in - even though I don't know how to build mecha, I'm willing to jump in and learn... and hi Allister and Bryce! Joe Meno .space paparazzi! (18 years ago, 20-Dec-05, to,

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