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The Future of Trains
Mon, 1 Oct 2007 15:32:20 GMT
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I'm posting this on behalf of Richard Stollery, head of LEGO Community

LEGO 9V Train Communication

Billund, Oct. 1st ’07
Dear all,

Many of you are aware of the on-going discussions on the 9V train system. We
would like to thank you all for the input you provided to us directly and
through different channels. Based on critical business decisions and the
consultations and discussions with various AFOLs we have decided to focus on one
single solution in order to avoid the complexity of maintaining two systems in
parallel and in order to solve the issues we have with the actual 9V system and
the remote control City train system. We envision one upgradeable train system
for all ages in the future.

The LEGO Group has considered the future of the 9v at length, and has come to
the conclusion that there is not sufficient demand for the product line to be
profitable and competitive. The existing machines need to be replaced and
minimum order quantities at external suppliers for motors and speed regulators
are so high that the investment The LEGO Group would have to put in, would not
be rational or reasonable compared to sales figures of the existing 9V system.

The implication of this is that the 9v elements sold now are the last of the
remaining stock and subsequent production of elements for the 9V platform has

The LEGO Group will launch elements for a new train system based on the new
electric LEGO Power Functions system in 2009. Using the LEGO Power Functions
system the new train system will benefit from a set of electric elements that
are cross theme, widely available and not completely train specific which allows
us to amortize the development and on going cost across multiple themes. We are
at an early development stage of the new train system and several AFOLs are
already involved in the development process, to ensure that the new system will
accommodate the types of features and functions requested by the AFOL community.
This collaboration with AFOLs is very important to The LEGO Group and we strive
to involve the Adult Fan Community as much as possible.

Holger Matthes, Germany, currently member of the AFOL team which is involved in
the process of developing the new system explains the situation in this way:

“The LEGO train system has to fulfill different needs for different target
groups in a very special way. On the one hand it’s a toy for kids because it is
easy to set up and because of the playability in the kid’s room, and on the
other hand it is also for AFOLs who build huge LEGO train layouts with realistic
looking train models and functionality. The LEGO Group is aware of this and the
company tries to support both needs within the given restrictions (e.g. costs
for a niche product like the LEGO trains).”

Using the universal LEGO Power Functions system for trains will give The LEGO
Group the ability to match the demands and wishes of the AFOL Train community in
the future.

Steve Barile, USA – President of ILTCO (International LEGO Train Club
Organization) and one of the involved AFOLs says about the new train system:

“I am excited that the new universal Power Functions system can make track side
accessories viable and potentially automated and interactive.”

He continues:

“With the track being exclusively plastic the LEGO Power Functions Train system
has the potential for new and innovative track geometries and continued
innovation by both The LEGO Group and the AFOLs.”

These AFOL quotes give you an impression of what will be possible with the
future system and we will keep you up to date on the development of the new LEGO
Power Functions train system. We expect to have more information and details to
share with you before the end of the year.

Richard Stollery, Head of LEGO Community Development

Message has 20 Replies:
  Re: The Future of Trains
(...) Okay, I accept that the LEGO Company is moving on from the 9V trains. There is quite a history of them moving from one Train platform to another. How many of us have 12 volt or 4.5 volt trains? Let me put a question to the LEGO Company. Will (...) (17 years ago, 1-Oct-07, to  
  Re: The Future of Trains
(...) <snip announcement details> (...) Are the expected changes for 2009 from the ground up (new track standards, wheels, etc...) or is it going to be a continuation of the existing IR train stuff with probably a new power/control system? Jude (17 years ago, 1-Oct-07, to
  Re: The Future of Trains
I'm really afraid of what will become of this decision. What to do now? Stock up on any remaining 9volt stuff I can get? Switch back to 6-wide trains if these new motors aren't strong enough to pull 8-wides? Cross my fingers and hope this decision (...) (17 years ago, 1-Oct-07, to, lugnet.trains)
  Re: The Future of Trains
(...) In some industries (e.g., integrated circuits) they do a "final build" before taking a product to end-of-life. They announce the final build, take orders, and then perform that one last production run. This keeps customers happy and allows (...) (17 years ago, 1-Oct-07, to  
  Re: The Future of Trains
Well I posted this announcement at the (URL) site... Personally, I have to say that I have doubts that any battery powered system will meet the needs of clubs doing shows. Even a robust, rechargable battery system has considerable limitations. (...) (17 years ago, 1-Oct-07, to  
  Re: The Future of Trains
(...) The truth is finally revealed (...) No matter how much 'AFOL input' there is, it will be the decision of the company in the end (of course) (...) Exclusively plastic track means reliance on batteries, there is no other way around it. And the (...) (17 years ago, 1-Oct-07, to
  Re: The Future of Trains
(...) I wonder if this means a hiatus in selling trains this year and next or whether Lego will continue to sell the IR trains during the next two Christmas seasons (trains seem to be featured most at this time). -- Thomas Main (...) (17 years ago, 1-Oct-07, to
  Re: The Future of Trains
(...) It does not make sense in strictly monetary terms for TLG to continue to produce a line that is not directly profitable. However, we have raised the point before that numerous intangible benefits arise from the 9V Train line. Community (...) (17 years ago, 1-Oct-07, to, lugnet.trains) ! 
  Re: The Future of Trains
At last we now know why our concerns over 9v trains were never on the original LEGO Ambassadors’ Official “Issues” List. I've known the writing was on the wall for a long time now, but even with that knowledge the blow wasn't any less hard to me. As (...) (17 years ago, 1-Oct-07, to
  Re: The Future of Trains
(...) Well, this is something of a blow to the LTC's doing shows. If the decision has been made to discontinue the line and work on a replacment, let us be proactive, and indicate the positives of the 9V system that should be worked into a new (...) (17 years ago, 1-Oct-07, to
  Re: The Future of Trains
Well, since it is Oct. 1, 2007 today. I have decided to write-off 2008 as a DEAD year for LEGO trains. The question now is when in 2009 is the 'new' system gonna be released or when will 'we' AFOL's see pictures, set numbers and prices etc. I have (...) (17 years ago, 2-Oct-07, to, lugnet.trains)
  Re: The Future of Trains
As a Senior Engineering Analyst, I understand facts, figures, and numbers. If a department reports low sales on something, that may indicate that a product of that department should be cut in order for the company as a whole to be profitable. (...) (17 years ago, 2-Oct-07, to  
  Re: The Future of Trains
(...) Well thank you Lego. This is the final nail in the coffin. Changing the grey's and brown colours, killing the 9v trains. The least you could have done was keep up with the exchange rate on the Canadian dollar. No excuses like "There may be (...) (17 years ago, 2-Oct-07, to
  Re: The Future of Trains
I have probably said this before but here goes again. I can think of few other sub-cultures that are as educated, creative (in an engineering way), and passionate as the LEGO sub-culture. I have constantly been amazed at the incredibly creative (...) (17 years ago, 2-Oct-07, to
  Re: The Future of Trains
(...) <snip> (...) Thank you for making a decision on this. Those 'in the know' have known this was a decision that needed to be made for a while now and I'm pleased that a decision and a course of direction are now set. Over the years I've done a (...) (17 years ago, 2-Oct-07, to
  Re: The Future of Trains
(...) [...] (...) Well, I guess at least we now don't have to worry about if or when the 9v line will be discontinued. Like some of you, I am upset. I am upset that LEGO marketed the 9v line so poorly, but I also suspect that in the current (...) (17 years ago, 3-Oct-07, to, lugnet.trains)
  Re: The Future of Trains
On the positive side of things, the new battery trains run fine on my old blue track, and the new plastic-only track is a whole lot cheaper than the old electrified track. I also like that useful 4-way switch they introduced. Electrified track gives (...) (17 years ago, 3-Oct-07, to
  Re: The Future of Trains
Well I get back from a relaxing break and I am greeted with this announcement. I am sad of course, but I am not surprised. I have been slowly purchasing track, motors, and regulators in anticipation of this day and I know of many others who have (...) (17 years ago, 6-Oct-07, to
  Re: The Future of Trains
I apologize for the inability (both in time and mental stamina) to read this entire thread. But I feel the need to offer an easily-backwards compatible alternative to the power supplies thus far mentioned... No need to recharge underpowered (...) (17 years ago, 8-Oct-07, to, FTX)  
  Re: The Future of Trains
(...) <snip> (...) One evening, way back in 1991, I was pushing a baby stroller thru Toys R Us. My son, Graham, 2 years old, in the stroller. We went over to the toy train area - because I was looking forward to the day in the futrure when we could (...) (17 years ago, 9-Oct-07, to

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