| crimson, skies (score: 1.253) |
| | Re: Crimson Skies MOC: Berserker
| (...) hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha beats chaff doesn't it. I read your other reply to Jon and I see where you were coming from. No hard feelings, it just seemed like you were jumping on him or something, which you weren't. Sorry bout my jackalizing. (...) (21 years ago, 18-Mar-04, to lugnet.space, lugnet.build.military, FTX)
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| crimson, skies (score: 1.253) |
| | Re: Crimson Skies MOC: Berserker
| (...) I remember reading once that the tri-wing+ concept was scrapped when it was realized that it didn't really provide any more lift potential than a bi-wing, but I suspect the switch from WWI bi-wings to WWII mono-wings had more to do with (...) (21 years ago, 18-Mar-04, to lugnet.space, lugnet.build.military, FTX)
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| crimson, skies (score: 1.253) |
| crimson, skies (score: 1.253) |
| crimson, skies (score: 1.253) |
| | Re: Crimson Skies MOC: Berserker
| Gotta agree with Dan, he hit the nail right on the head with that post. Despite employing SNOT techniques beautifully, this airplane seems to scrunched up. Maybe if you lengthened it a bit it would look better. I can see what you were trying to (...) (21 years ago, 18-Mar-04, to lugnet.space, lugnet.build.military, FTX)
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| crimson, skies (score: 1.253) |
| | Crimson Skies MOC - Tomahawk
| Been many a month since I've posted, or built much of anything, decided to get back on the horse with a little Crimson Skies action, though .space is my prefered place, which is why I'm cross-posting. So, here's the Tomahawk (URL) And the (URL) full (...) (20 years ago, 13-Aug-04, to lugnet.space, lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.build.military, FTX)
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| crimson, skies (score: 1.253) |
| crimson, skies (score: 1.253) |
| crimson, skies (score: 1.253) |
| | Re: Crimson Skies MOC: Berserker
| (...) Jassim with the smack! Sounds good to me. I'll address your points and knock them down like the thrift-store mega bloks they are. (...) The canard was inspired by the one on the Wright Flyer. When I was building this I actually made sure the (...) (21 years ago, 17-Mar-04, to lugnet.space, lugnet.build.military, FTX)
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| crimson, skies (score: 1.253) |
| | Re: Crimson Skies MOC: Berserker
| (...) Nah, I dig it as a Lego MOC. Jon did a great job all around, as always. Don't get me wrong. The criticism is really against Kenworth Industires for designing a "flying deathtrap-for-two." They need to stick to trucks. --Dan (21 years ago, 17-Mar-04, to lugnet.space, lugnet.build.military, FTX)
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| crimson, skies (score: 1.253) |
| crimson, skies (score: 1.253) |
| | Re: Crimson Skies MOC: Berserker
| (...) Thanks dude! (...) I actually hesitated to put that on because at the time (1937 or so) there weren't really any guns like that used. It was sort of a dead period between the gatling guns of the post-civil war era and the vulcan miniguns of (...) (21 years ago, 17-Mar-04, to lugnet.space, lugnet.build.military, FTX)
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| crimson, skies (score: 1.253) |
| crimson, skies (score: 1.253) |
| crimson, skies (score: 1.253) |
| crimson, skies (score: 1.253) |
| | Re: Crimson Skies MOC: Berserker
| (...) Neither, it's a videogame, I believe, as well as a miniatures game. Try (URL) this site> for the miniatures and (URL) this site> for the video game... I think the miniatures came first but I don't recall. Hope that helps. (21 years ago, 17-Mar-04, to lugnet.space, lugnet.build.military, FTX)
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| crimson, skies (score: 1.253) |
| | Re: Crimson Skies MOC: Berserker
| Hey Jon, I'm not sure if you meant to be funny or serious but I think the Berserker is absolutely hilarious! It borders on looking like one of those crackpot flying contraptions from old movie reels of the early days of aviation. This airplane is (...) (21 years ago, 17-Mar-04, to lugnet.space, lugnet.build.military, FTX)
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| crimson, skies (score: 1.253) |
| crimson, skies (score: 1.253) |
| | Re: Crimson Skies MOC: Berserker
| (...) Thanks Comrade. I love how the double cockpit came out. And after I made it I even found a P-51 variant on the web with 2 side-by-side cockpits as well...the P-82. I had no idea it existed. (URL) (The above plane is flying to the left by the (...) (21 years ago, 16-Mar-04, to lugnet.space, lugnet.build.military, FTX)
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| crimson, skies (score: 1.253) |