Re: matching motor speeds on mutli-motor trains
Tue, 28 Mar 2000 02:20:36 GMT
2050 times
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I only have 7 motors, so I raced them. I started two motors next to each other,
one in front of the other, and race in the forward direction and then in the
opposite direction. My oldest motor is MUCH slower than my fastest. So, since I
have gone through the trouble I will be running motors with comparable speeds
Larry Pieniazek wrote:
> In lugnet.trains, Christopher Masi writes:
> > Today, when my green trolley rearended my red trolley I decided to
> > test my motors. I ranked them in order of speed. Then I thought that it
> > would be bad to have a fast motor paired with a slow motor.
> I've been thinking the same thing. I almost always put two motors on each loco
> and I'm beginning to suspect that some of my biggest mismatches, which I've
> perhaps left that way for too long, have actually been causing damage to one
> motor or the other.
> How did you test your motors? It seems to me that it would be hard to do this
> precisely enough to get good results when pairing up motors for the same unit
> ++Lar
Message is in Reply To:
| | Re: matching motor speeds on mutli-motor trains
| (...) I've been thinking the same thing. I almost always put two motors on each loco and I'm beginning to suspect that some of my biggest mismatches, which I've perhaps left that way for too long, have actually been causing damage to one motor or (...) (25 years ago, 27-Mar-00, to lugnet.trains)
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