5 points<long post>
Mon, 5 Aug 2002 14:09:46 GMT
564 times
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If you could have 5 requests from Lego, what would they be?
Here are mine:
5. Sante Fe Super Chief Accesory pack to build a B-Unit.
4. Signal and M.O.W. Kits.(Signals could even be dummies)
3. A M.O.T. Box Car with everything needed to build a Refridgerator Car.
2. Frieght Station for all the M.O.T. cars.
1. Release of the Yard Tower, Engine Shed,and Crane Car.
And if I had one more, I would like to see the SFSC in different paint schemes,
such as the Frieght colors or even other railroads.
After another weekend of messing around with different bricks and building some
of my brothers Island Xtreme, Lego Studios Scary Monsters,and Harry Potter
kits. I have realised a few things:
1.Lego won't make a 9v motor with 6 wheels unless it is a total re-design.
2.The 4551 won't ever be re-released.
3.TLC can't satisfy the world market.
4.Steam engines are more complicated then they look.
5.Lego should make a new steam engine, either a British or German.
1.Look at the spacing of the motor, it is 4 studs(I think). Try that with
regular wheels, I don't think it would work around the points.
2.It is worth way to much for collecters. Remeber the Metroliner, you could get
away with charging someone around 500 dollars, but now who would pay more than
3.and 4. combined. Trains are very different; design, cab, tender, and wheel
arrangement. But all engines work the same(except fireless). The gases from the
fire go through the tubes in the boiler to the cylinders that creates a vacum
to bring in more gases the faster you go. The steam goes in the cylinder to
power the piston that moves the connecting rods which power the valve gear to
the Lubicrators. The used steam then goes to the smokestack and into the
atmosphere.Steam Engines are very simple.
5.I think a British Engine would be better, most of them were green, some even
had inside valve gear and cylinders so that would be real simple. Maybe they
could figure out a Maise or something like my City of Truro(on Brickshelf).(A
Maise is a 4-4-2, the City of Truro is a 4-4-0).
And take away 4565, Make a train set with the SFSC, if TLC was smart, they
would put a B-unit in that and it would be a best seller.
Message has 3 Replies:  | | Re: 5 points<long post>
| (...) Ok, since you asked: 1: Larger radius curved track. The current track geometry is good for small layouts, but difficult to work with for larger trains and larger layouts. There are rumors that LEGO is already working on this. 2: Larger driver (...) (23 years ago, 5-Aug-02, to lugnet.trains)
|  | | Re: 5 points<long post>
| (...) [snip] my wishlist: 1. bigger drive wheels for steam engines in colour red and black (with an excenter hole for a technic peg => moving connecting rods) and with the possibility to connect them to a technic axle for synchronous drive). 2. (...) (23 years ago, 5-Aug-02, to lugnet.trains)
|  | | Re: 5 points<long post> - signals
| (...) I agree with 4. I love signals and all the lineside stuff. It wouldn't be that difficult to build working and lit signals, either: (URL) are to British outline, but the same principles would apply to upper quadrant US signals. Flex is a great (...) (23 years ago, 6-Aug-02, to lugnet.trains)
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