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 Trains / 15407
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Re: My Sante Fe 10020
Tue, 26 Feb 2002 23:27:37 GMT
1561 times
This is in the dealings of DP, Depositied power...

DP is standard in newer North American loco's computers, uses Radio
Frequencies, allows the engineer to precisely control the rear engine,
taking off slightly slower then the lead loco, to reduce slack towards the
rear of the train.  DP is used by BNSF in coal trains, & UP, and other major
lines use it also...  I'm SURE commuter lines do so to...

Some coal transport trains in West Aus run with >100 coal trucks, and have loco
groups at multiple spots along the train in addition to the front. They also
have problems on hill-crests, where the lead locos must reduce power going down
the far side, while other locos still climbing must still be powered, to avoid
breaking couplings. And the opposite in valleys. Luckily the landscape in the
areea is such that there are minimal crests & valleys 8?)


Thats whats so Great about it!  I would love to try DCC in Legos & run DP

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: My Sante Fe 10020
(...) Some coal transport trains in West Aus run with >100 coal trucks, and have loco groups at multiple spots along the train in addition to the front. They also have problems on hill-crests, where the lead locos must reduce power going down the (...) (23 years ago, 26-Feb-02, to lugnet.trains)

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