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Re: My Sante Fe 10020
Mon, 25 Feb 2002 17:39:24 GMT
735 times
In lugnet.trains, Rob Hendrix writes:
I will not be taking my numbers out of their packaging, and I didn't want to
have the same numbers on my engine as everyone else (301 or 27).  Here is
what I came up with after doing a little cutting on the stickers from the

This is the first picture close enough to show the nose really well.  And it
looks like it confirms my suspicion... that nose can only take one light!

Is there any reasonable way to light both nose lights?  What do the
instructions show with regard to lights?

What would be prototypical?  Is the upper one a steady light and the lower
an oscillating one?

Tony Hafner

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: My Sante Fe 10020
(...) yes that's true. the upper light is the only one that is lightable. (...) Not really, the lower light is on the SNOT part of the engine construction on a 1x2 center stud tile. (...) Actually, I believe the reverse is protptypical. (...) (23 years ago, 25-Feb-02, to lugnet.trains)
  Re: My Sante Fe 10020
(...) Also, can the cow-catcher / coupling assembly be attached easily to a motorised bogie? ROSCO (23 years ago, 26-Feb-02, to lugnet.trains)

Message is in Reply To:
  My Sante Fe 10020
I will not be taking my numbers out of their packaging, and I didn't want to have the same numbers on my engine as everyone else (301 or 27). Here is what I came up with after doing a little cutting on the stickers from the 10020: (URL) guess thats (...) (23 years ago, 23-Feb-02, to lugnet.trains)

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