The history behind the term "spamcake" is a funny one, germinating from Tom
McDonald's hilariously creative spamblock warning sigs. Do a search for
"spamcake" in off-topic.fun sometime if you don't know what I'm talking about.
When Tom came out with his Spamcake Diner, I was in love. What a great idea,
paying homage to a great bit:-) Here is his official Spamcake Diner web site:
Luckily for me, I got the chance to meet Tom and see the original Spamcake Diner
for myself at the Kidvention last year. It occurred to me that it would be
really cool if every LTC had a version of the Spamcake Diner somewhere on its
layout, to sort of build club camaraderie. It would be a kind of like a Hard
Rock Cafe thing, only with an AFOL twist. Tom and I even talked about printing
up T-shirts with the Spamcake Diner logo and particular cities printed
underneath, a la the Hard Rock Cafe:
Spamcake Diner
San Francisco
Spamcake Diner
Twin Cities
Spamcake Diner
Your Town
Sooo, I copied his Diner from online pics, changing it here and there, but
keeping the basic look of the original. I have yet to detail the interior; I
think I will wait to get some really good shots of the inside from Tom. The dog
spins, and the roof is on a hinge, allowing easy access and interior viewing.
Here is my version:
What do y'all think about building a Spamcake Diner for *your* layout?
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